Steve Jobs was a wise man

Friday 26 August 2011

Continue the holiday feeling

It is normal after a holiday to feel a little blue, but even if you haven't been  on holiday recently, this is a fun exercise to do:
  • Close your eyes for a few  seconds, or allow yourself to think without distractions
  • Take your mind back  to your (last) holiday and feel how you felt, see the location, hear the sounds,  taste what you ate and drank
  • Identify what in particular it was about your  holiday that you loved. Be as specific as you can
  • Brainstorm ways in which  you could replicate those feelings on a regular basis and be as creative as you can
  • Pick one or two ideas which you can incorporate into your everyday life
If you are struggling  for ideas, here my top ten:
  1. Sunshine - get outside at least once a day including a lunch break (however quick)
  2. Relaxation - for a few minutes a day, breathe properly, in through your nose so that your stomach extends, and look straight ahead but notice your peripheral vision (or close your eyes and visualise your holiday)
  3. Exercise - choose an exercise that you enjoy and incorporate it into your routine
  4. Nature - can you explore places near to where you live at the weekend
  5. Time with your loved ones - make regular time for the people who are important to you. Make them a priority.
  6. Excitement - why not take up a new hobby or challenge?
  7. Good food - try cooking some holiday dishes and experiment with new recipes
  8. New plans - if you came up with new ideas on holiday, put the next step in your diary and make it happen
  9. No emails - create a prioritised plan for your first week back and make sure you create time in the day when you don't check emails
  10. The grass is greener - Acknowledge and appreciate what you do have in your life (it's a good habit to think of this every evening - with your kids too).
If you have other ideas, do comment below and let me know...

If you are finding it really hard to go back to work, maybe you need to re-think your job or career.  It may seem idealistic to aim for a job which you enjoy but many people do achieve it. Some just tweak their existing job. Others take a big leap. If you are looking for a change, some career coaching could be the ticket to changing your life for the better: Give me a call on 07764 235394 and we can discuss how.

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