Steve Jobs was a wise man

Saturday 27 July 2013

Do you ever switch off?

I may be showing my age but our world has gone crazy. Do you remember when you had to share a computer at work, mail was posted in a postbox, most people didn't have an answering machine (ok, I was a late adopter!), mobile phones didn't exist and there were only a couple of tv channels. That was only about 20 years ago. I worked long hours then but when I went home, I was "off duty", uncontactable and could rest and recover. Now even when you are on holiday people still contact you. Do you ever switch off from technology? I have just returned from two wonderful weeks in Spain using the tips below...

Quick Quote
"...information is not knowledge, knowledge is not wisdom, and wisdom is not foresight. Each grows out of the other, and we need them all.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke

Tips for the holiday season 
If you are lucky enough to be going away:
  1. Leave you pc/ipad/gadgets at home
  2. Use your phone once a day for non-work related texts, calls or for emergencies. If you find this hard you may be addicted!
  3. Do not look at email. Just put an out of office message on, asking them to text if urgent. 
If you're not going away on holiday:

Have a "staycation". Take a week off and switch everything off using the tips above.
If you must do some work, allocated specific time slots so that you can relax the rest of the time.

How do you make it work? Please share below:

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