Steve Jobs was a wise man

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Create your 3 magic words for 2012

Happy New Year!
I have noticed that decreasing numbers of people bother with New Year's resolutions. Those that do, tend to have resolutions based around changing a habit, and there is a big gap between wanting to change a habit and actually doing it. I have two suggestions. Firstly, use NLP to change habits (see later section on current offerings). Secondly create three magic words for your year ahead. Your magic words should be areas of focus, which together form your holistic vision. If you are finding it hard to get focussed after the holidays, this can really help.
Quick Quote

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Create your three magic words

To create your vision:
  • Choose three magic words which will help you focus and create a vision for your 2012. Imagine how you would like to be and make sure they are things which you have not already achieved. My personal words are growth, presence (being in the moment and not worring about the future or thinking about the past) and fun. For my business, my words are courage, persistence and synergy.
  • Create a vision board or an audio depending on whether you prefer to see or hear your motivational words. Include your three words and anything else which inspires you. Find or draw pictures which reflect the words you have chosen or create metaphors for your words. Look/listen to it every day. You could even make a screen saver with your three words on.
  • Imagine you are embodying your three words. With a clear 3-4 metres in front of you, close your eyes and imagine how you feel and what you see and hear in your current situation. Take 2 steps forward and, saying your three magic words, imagine that you are moving towards them. Finally, take a further 2 steps and imagine yourself achieving your three words. Allow yourself to be immersed. Repeat this exercise when you need a boost.
  • Share your words by commenting below. There is nothing like sharing your vision to provide some accountability!
  • Let me know how you are doing. I love to hear when you make progress, and of course, I am always happy to help if you are stuck.
If you find any of the above steps hard, give me a ring on 07764 235394 and we can arrange a time for me to help you. I can even help you embody your three words over the phone!

 Let me know what your three words are!


Lari Don said...

I scribbled down a list of words inspired by your blog, but they pretty much all come down to BALANCE. Balance between work and life, balance between writing books and promoting books, balance between sitting on my bottom at a computer and getting some exercise, and lots of other things which have got a bit out of balance recently. Very thought provoking. I'm going to scrunch up the list, and just put the word BALANCE on the wall...

Anna said...

Love it Lari - thanks!