Steve Jobs was a wise man

Thursday 19 May 2011

The secret to looking and feeling great

Are you one of the 22 million adults in Britain who say that they are unable to take as much exercise as they feel they should? You are not alone! In this post we will look at 7 steps to help you get fitter.

Quick Quote
Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” ~ Edward Stanley

Put exercise back into your routine

1. Create motivation - describe how you will benefit from exercise or enter an event. If you choose to exercise to fulfil a desire (to be lighter, able to run with the kids, healthier, clearer minded) rather than thinking you should do it, you are more likely to succeed. Doing a sponsored run, walk or other event is also extremely motivating

2. Decide what you enjoy doing. Many of my clients have started Zumba, dance, or a racquet sport. I am learning to ice-skate. Other clients have taken up yoga, walking, swimming or exercising with their kids (and don't just watch them!). Enjoyment is key to sustainability.

3. Find out where you can do this activity - do the research and find out what is available
Work out when you can do it.

4. Make sure it fits with your schedule - on the way to or from work for example. Many gyms give you cheap rates if your child is in a class. If you do it first thing in the morning you will feel great all day!

5. Put it in your diary for the next 2 months as a regular appointment so that it becomes a habit (if you can) - make it sacred time. If you can't make it, move the time, don't delete it.

6. Find someone else to do it with - you are more likely to keep it up if someone else is there to encourage you

7. Bonus exercise - walk instead of driving and run up the stairs instead of taking the lift - I know you've heard it before but...

By the way, don't aim for 7 times a week as you are likely to fail and may give up altogether. Start doing something once, twice or three times a week and build up.

If you can't find the time, give me a ring! I help people, both through coaching and through my time management courses, find the time for the important things - it is possible!
Why not share your new exercise by commenting below- there's nothing like telling everyone what you are doing to create accountability!

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